BlueInk Review: The 1950s Adventures of Pete and Carol Ann

2019-06-18T19:18:37+00:00June 14th, 2019|News|

Scary Spring- BlueInk Review In C.A. Hartnell’s first book of a middle-grade series set in the 1950s, 11-year-old Carol Ann is terrified of catching the deadly polio virus—and of getting shots. Carol Ann is familiar with the terrible effects of polio: Some of her family members are polio survivors, as is a teenage boy she

Mystery On The Beach

2019-06-10T22:08:04+00:00June 10th, 2019|Carol Ann’s Adventures|

On a recent trip to Mexico with friends, we cruised on their boat around the Sea of Cortez. One afternoon we anchored off of this lovely beach, one of hundreds in this area. We went ashore to explore and take in the scenery. This particular beach had lots of vegetation that looked more like a

Eight Books That Will Bring You Back to the ’50s

2019-03-13T21:16:42+00:00March 13th, 2019|News|

Looking back over the past helps us learn about ourselves and our world, as well as revive thrilling, joyful, terrifying and heartbreaking memories. The decade of the 1950s conjures up images of the advent of rock and roll with Elvis Presley, the frightening polio outbreaks, the ominous Korean War and the fascinating introduction of the

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