Sweet Greetings from Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, on Sunday Funday. Had a blast and a really fun day visiting several retro food places serving yummy treats and delicious eats in this terrific town. Look for this sofa-filled cooler in Mrs. Honeypeeps Sweet Shop in downtown Coeur D’Alene. Not only can you buy a vintage soda, but this cute shop is filled with retro candy, ice cream treats, candy apples, taffy, and fudge.
Walk up Sherman Avenue a few blocks to Vault Coffee for a delicious coffee drink. In the photo, I’m holding an Ice Blended Mocha next to some lovely flowers in a planter at their front door. Inside this coffee shop, giant gears decorate the wall behind their treat-filled glass case. Enjoy a pastry or breakfast sandwich with your favorite Vault Coffee.
Still on Sherman Avenue but out of Downtown, visit retro Rogers Ice Cream and Burgers for lunch or dinner. Rogers is an old-fashioned burger stand where their food is cooked fresh to order since 1940! Locally grown Idaho potatoes become crisp French fries and Kettle Chips. Premium ice cream is scooped into cups and cones or spun into amazing milk shakes. (The characters in my books love burgers, fries, and chocolate shakes.) I enjoy a scoop of Huckleberry Ice Cream from Rogers. Yum! And it’s only available in the Northwest.