Had a blast recently visiting Magnolia Silos in wonderful Waco, Texas, and enjoying treats from their many food trucks! They’re lined up one after another on the perimeter of the Silos property. If you’re wondering why there aren’t any people around, it’s because I snuck back over to the Silos just before they closed for the day to take photos of the food trucks without crowds of people in front of them! In fact, that late in the day, most everyone was gone and I had the place mostly to myself. Shadows covered the ground in front of the food trucks where long lines of hungry folks had waited patiently for their food.
The giant Silos stood across the way from the food trucks. They dominate the property and give it a country feel but no one gets to go inside or climb on the Silos. When it’s not near closing time, crowds of people sit at tables in the shade in front of those two metal giants and enjoy eating their food truck treats. You can eat a sandwich, biscuits with jam, mac and cheese, pizza, barbecue, crepes, tea, and lots more. Yum! There’s something delicious for everyone.
The Magnolia Silos food trucks are amazing! And cute! They serve fabulous food to eat at wooden picnic tables under the shade of striped awnings. This special Silos property is not just a place to eat from a food truck for a Silos food truck experience, but it’s a sweet place to visit for a Magnolia Silos fun adventure if you’re ever down Waco, Texas way! Yippee!