The Sweetest Gift

2019-01-30T00:18:06+00:00December 22nd, 2017|Posts From C.A. Hartnell|

Family is one of the sweetest gifts of all. Remember that first family from 2,000 years ago in a stable cave on the outskirts of Bethlehem. New parents Mary and Joseph welcomed Baby Jesus into this world. Today we welcome and celebrate our own precious families made up of parents, siblings, children, or good

Adventures In Thankfulness

2019-01-30T00:18:45+00:00November 21st, 2017|Posts From C.A. Hartnell|

Have you ever wondered about your family ancestry or where you're from in the world? Adventures in thankfulness unfolds in the following story. My father's Grandmother Mary Ann Hartnell migrated to America from England, but that's all we knew about her. Several years ago, British Hartnell cousins located us on What an exciting day! And

Take a Hike Day to Find John Austin

2019-01-30T00:19:52+00:00November 17th, 2017|Posts From C.A. Hartnell|

On Take a Hike Day, I'm writing about the adventure I had hiking on the streets of a pre-Civil War town, Van Buren, Arkansas, to find the storefront of my ancestor John Austin. While three of my friends went shopping, I drove down Main Street with my pal Bobbie to the historic Crawford County

Celebrating National Author Day!

2019-01-30T00:20:10+00:00November 1st, 2017|Posts From C.A. Hartnell|

On National Author Day 2017 here's a photo of me signing my books at the Vegas Valley Book Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, on 10/21/17. I'm a self-published author of 4 Children's historical fiction chapter books for 8 and up about the 1950s. I'm a dim and distant speck in the star-sudded universe of published authors.

Adventures at Vegas Book Fest!

2019-01-30T00:20:44+00:00October 24th, 2017|News, Posts From C.A. Hartnell|

Had a grand adventure last Saturday in my C.A. Hartnell booth at the Vegas Valley Book Festival on the grounds of the Historic 5th Street School located near Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Anyone visiting the book festival could testify that Las Vegas is not just a gambling town! It's a real community of families who care

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