C.A. Hartnell

IN THE NEWS: Great Fall Books for Kids of All Ages

Ferocious Fall, one of CA Hartnell’s books in the series of The 1950’s Adventures of Pete and Carol Ann, was recently reviewed by blogger Montessori-ish Mom! Check out the review below:

Ferocious Fall: Our Wild Weather Escapes – Even though my kids are not old enough for this book, which is recommended for kids 8 and up, I was immediately interested when I was contacted about it.  I love historical fiction, both for kids and adults, and this book is set in the 1950’s which I haven’t seen a lot in kids’ books.

I think this would be such a fun book for a grandparent or older relative to read with a child.  I imagine it would spark conversations and stories that might otherwise never be passed on.

Unfortunately, my kids don’t have any living great grandparents (and my parents were born at the very end of the 1950s), but I can definitely picture James and Lilah reading this with my mom when they’re older.  My mom loves family photos (what mom doesn’t?!) and I can imagine her pulling out old black and white photos of her parents while reading this book and passing along stories that might have otherwise been lost.

In addition to the interesting setting, this was a genuinely enjoyable book!  I actually love reading kids and young adult fiction.  When the characters are good (as these are!), it can be really enjoyable and totally relaxing.

One thing I loved about the book was how it wove in educational elements, while still telling a compelling story.  The book includes a lot of information about different types of clouds, different types of weather events, and historical events but it always fits naturally into the story.  I think it would be especially interesting for a kid from California, as it talks a lot about the history of the area.

I also really enjoyed the use of 50’s slang and language.  It definitely added a fun element to the book and I imagine kids would love it!  There is a fun glossary of 1950s slang in the back that I found really fun to read.

The characters in Ferocious Fall face challenges like bullying, sibling issues, and everyday childhood fears like public speaking.  I love that the story focuses on these timeless challenges of childhood, making it easy to relate to characters from another time.

One thing to note is that Ferocious Fall does include a lot of references to Bible verses.  The main character in the book writes down Bible verses to reference when she’s scared, stressed, etc.  Just something to note because I didn’t realize that going into the book and I know some people might not be comfortable with it.  Again, it fits into the story pretty naturally!

If you’re traveling to see family over the holidays, it would be a great time to gift this book to a grandparent or older child who might enjoy it.  The award-winning author, C. A. Hartnell, also has three other books in the series: Wild Winter, Scary Spring, and Sinister Summer, and a couple of really fun coloring books as well!  Check them out here!

Read her entire list of book recommendations here! 


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